Sunday, November 6, 2016

Grande Dune to Osprey Marina

Day 38, Friday, November 4, 2016

You can monitor my trip at the link: Second Winds Progress Live

The day started out to be misty/rainy with an over cast sky.  We had a really short day planned so I took time to take a shower before I left at 10:30.
The trip was basically a straight shot down the ICW.  We were beginning to see
Private bridge connecting two sides of Grande Dune
evidence of damage caused by the surge and winds of Hurricane Matthew.  We saw homes with trash thrown out onto the lawn. Many of these houses are on land that is just a foot or two above the mean water level of the ICW and it appears that the surge was about 4 or 5 feet.  We could see the dirty water line on nicely white painted fences on docks.  We also saw docks that has been damaged.  We passed a fairly large houseboat that had been lifted and then dropped on a piling which had punched a hole in the hull.   

Traveling down the shoot in the rain
In the latter half of the trip the ICW traversed a cypress swamp. Here the canal, although quite deep, was fairly narrow.  It is interestingly beautiful.  There were miles of nothing but cypress trees growing out into the water.  We are also beginning to see Spanish moss on some of the trees.

We pulled into Osprey Marina after a 13 mile trip.  Their facility looks to be carved
A common sight
out of the swamp.  The inlet channel is quite narrow and the boats are packed into a dredged out harbor with the native vegetation growing right up to the water’s edge.  The place where they had me moor was all the way around the back of the facility in a narrow slip.  The area where I maneuvered was quite small and my landing was a bit sloppy.  But, I finally got in and secure. 

A sad sight
There are no services anywhere near the marina. The efficient young lady who was manning the desk, phone, radio and store told us of a restaurant that will come and pick you up for a $10.00 fee (if you agree to dine with them.)  They will also wait to return you to your boat while you shop at a nearby grocery or hardware store.  I needed
High water mark
nothing so I declined her offer to contact them.  
Nice home built right at water level.
One of the things these marinas all do is have a freezer chest with various ice cream bars in them.  I am sure that they make a killing out of these things.  I know I for one cannot pass one without picking up a Klondike Bar or a frozen Heath Bar.  I prepared spaghetti and meat sauce
over which I covered with Parmesan cheese.  I planned to supplement my meal with GREEN BEANS but when I opened and dumped the can out came PEAS. The only thing worse than GREEN BEANS is PEAS! I as a good boy and I ate them.  I am sure that I am healthier because of it!
I read and made it to bed by 9:00

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