Tuesday, November 1, 2016

A Day at Mile Hammock Bay Anchorage

Day 33, Sunday, October 30, 2016

You can monitor my trip at the link: Second Winds Progress Live

Today was a hangout day in Mile Hammock Bay.  As I mentioned yesterday, we have bypassed one of our stops and are now a day ahead of where the rest of the group so we decided that since this is a very well protected and calm anchorage, we might as well spend the day here.  I say we, I am talking about Sam and Phil on Sweet Pea and me.

I basically spent the day doing little odd jobs around the boat.  I repaired a torn bag that holds the anchor and other miscellaneous stuff on the dinghy.  I rearranged the things in our jammed pack drawers.  We have three of them under the galley counter.  They are quite small and we have dumped into them a whole lot of different items that we feel we should have close at hand.  It turns out that quite a number of those items could be stored elsewhere making the drawer space more usable.

Sam, who is new to the cruising world, bought a new dinghy and 2.3 Honda motor for her trip down the ICW.  She had the guy at the shop show her how to start it and gave her a few pointers but she has, until today never put it on the dinghy and used it.  I went over and helped a bit.  They got it on and running but the thing will not idle.  I pulled the cover off to find the idle adjustment screw and it appears not to have one.  When I get to a place where I have internet service, I will check on line for others who have experienced the same problem. 
A better part of the day I spent reading.  The temperature is pleasant, in the upper 70s and the winds are light so it was a really nice day to lounge around and read. 
Sam offered that she had bought a pound of hamburgers and invited me to join them for dinner.  I accepted and offered that I could bring GREEN BEANs.  She hesitantly agreed that the BEANS would be fine but later her husband Phil called and said that she remembered that she had bought sweet corn and so she didn’t need my BEANS.  I guess I will just have to eat them myself.

I had forgotten to turn my anchor light so at around 7:30 as it was getting really dark, I took my leave before it was too dark to find the boat.  I called home and hand a nice long conversation with Janine before I crawled into bed.

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