Monday, November 14, 2016

A day in Historic Beaufort, SC

Day 47, Sunday, November 13, 2016

You can monitor my trip at the link: Second Winds Progress Live

Home where Edmond Rhett and friends drafted the articles of secession

Today was a cold day in Beaufort, SC.  Dwight and I slept in until about 7:00.  We enjoyed a sausage gravy on toast breakfast and while were contemplating the day, Bobby banged on the top of the boat.  He told us that we needed to move Dwight’s rental car because the parking lot where it was parked was filling up with water.  It is my understanding that the full moon that will arrive tomorrow night will appear as the largest and brightest full moon in
the sky since 1948.  That close moon is causing super tides and the water from the Waterway to flow through the storm drains of the parking lot where his car is parked.  I put on my water shoes and walked to the lot where I found about 6 inches of water in which the car was standing.  I waded out to the car, took off my shoes, and drove the car to 

higher ground.  I then walked bare footed back to
the boat.  I think I mentioned that it is cold here.

Dwight spent the morning taking me and others into town to shop.  I bought some more cake mix and a few other item of groceries to replenish our stock.
We spent the remainder of the morning putting Dwight’s luggage items and food away.  I had mistakenly bought brownie mix rather than cake mix so I mixed up a batch
Our guide called the a traditional Low Country home
and cooked it in the bake packer.  It turned out to be a great hit.

For lunch, I graciously relinquished my great taco to Dwight and I forced myself to eat another Spam wrap.  You must understand that this was quite a sacrifice but I persevered. 

Later in the afternoon, we climbed aboard a carriage and took an hour long tour of historic Beaufort.  Our tour guild was well informed and an entertaining presenter
Beautiful old live oak with Spanish moss
providing us was an informative tour.  She had the right mix of factual and anecdotal information to provide us with significant insight into the history of Beaufort.  It was, however, a cold ride.

A bunch of our Rally group had gone to a restaurant called “Q” to watch football, drink beer and eat wings.  We decided to join them.  After a beer, Dwight and I decided to again eat some of
their fine pulled pork. 

The weather forecast is calling for the coldest night that we have yet to experience so I went by the marina office and paid for a 110 volt hook up.  Shore power will allow us to turn on our electric heater and enjoy a warm cabin for the night.  As the 9:00 hour approached, I found myself
fading fast so I decided to call it a night.

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