Wednesday, November 16, 2016

A Day at Windmill Marina on Hilton Head Island

Day 49, Tuesday, November 15, 2016
You can monitor my trip at the link: Second Winds Progress Live

Today we were slated to stay on Hilton Head Island. I started the day by baking a blob biscuit in the Bake Packer.  I then covered it with a nice helping of sausage gravy.  A perfect way to start a day.

We had nothing on the official schedule that we were to do so Dwight, Bobby, Bobby’s Dad, Bob, Sam and I decided to head for Savannah.  It turned out to be an hour’s drive so I called Enterprise car rental and got a Jeep Wrangler into which we all piled. 

Our Segway team: Bobby, Me, Dwight, Sam and Bob
My son Scott had told me about a Segway that he had taken on a trip to Savannah so I suggested that to our troop and they all agreed that that would be our way to see the city. 

We stopped at the first information booth that we came to and purchased tickets for an hour long session. We were scheduled for a 1:00 tour so we found a parking place, walked to the Distillery restaurant and enjoyed a nice lunch.

From there we made a short walk to the place where we were shown a short video about how to keep from killing yourself and filled out a long form releasing them from all liability if in fact you do kill yourself. They then took us out onto a side street and gave us a 10 minute lesson how to stay alive on one of these things.   
On of many historic pre-Civil War homes Mercer Williams House

We then took off single file with our tour guide at the head and a safety girl in the rear.  We spent the next hour going from square parks to square parks stopping at various points along the way. Our guide was well informed and a great presenter so the hour went by really quickly.  Along the way he pointed out beautiful homes and other buildings explaining the history of each.  Although the tour was a bit pricey, I highly recommend it to anyone spending time in Savannah.
We needed to get back to Wind Mill Marina so we did not visit the historic water
A statue in honor of General Polaski
front district.  Our guide told us that it had become very touristy and parking was all but impossible.

Back at the Marina, we headed to the South Carolina Yacht Club which shares the harbor with the Wind Mill folks.  The event of the evening was to honor our good friend Bobby who is leaving the group tomorrow.  He and his father are going to head on south so that he can be in Florida before Thanksgiving.  Bobby will be missed.  He has become a great friend and companion on this trip. We had drinks and dinner in this luxurious clubhouse. It was a great evening.

Back at the boat, I read for a while before finally drifting off to sleep.


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