Thursday, November 3, 2016

A Day at South Harbor Village Marina

Day 36, Wednesday, November 2, 2016

You can monitor my trip at the link: Second Winds Progress Live

We stayed at the South Harbor Village Marina for today.  So, like other layover days, it was a day of getting caught up on chores around the boat and cleaning.  I again struggled with the internet here.  I could get a great signal at the dock desk, however, it is outside and the reflection was such that I could not see the curser on the screen and finally gave up in frustration. 

The Dead End Saloon where we dined last night.
I needed to mail my camera lenses back to my son Scott so I talked with the dock hand and he said that there was a Pack and Ship store not too far down the road towards the town of Southport.  He gave me a card for the local cab but since it wasn’t all that far, I decided just to walk.

The walk for the first mile was a pleasant stroll through a neighborhood of nice homes and also past a really beautiful park.  At the intersection of the next road, I was told to turn right. That road turned out to be a very busy highway and there was no sidewalk or wide berm on which to walk so I walked through high weeds, across parking lot entrances,
There are some big ones out here
mowed lawns and gravel driveways.  It turned out to be a long uncomfortable trip.

I finally found the packaging store, mailed my box and headed across a 4 lane highway to a large Lowes Grocery store where I bought a number of items the supply of which I had depleted. Of course, like a kid in a candy store, I bought a number of other items that looked appealing at the time.  I spent quite a bit more that what I anticipated when I entered to buy my two rolls of paper towels.

The start of the day two days ago
I took the cab back to the marina.

My next project was to see if I could get Sam’s little Honda outboard to run.  I went on line to try to determine a solution and found very little help.  I probably spent an hour trying to solve the problem but in the end it was not much better than when I started.  I did get it to idle but only with the choke fully out and as soon as you advanced the throttle, the engine would die if you didn’t finesse the choke.  I would be hard to navigate with it in this condition.  She is going to have to take it to a dealer.

I then did a scrub down on the boat.  I am amazed at how filthy it gets running on what I assume to be clean water.  I also spent time cleaning the inside and restoring items that had been taken out of their hiding places.
My friends Sam and Phil on Sweet Pea

At a bit after 5:00 one of the guys invited a group of us to join him shucking oysters.  He bought a peck (I later learned that a peck is ¼ of a bushel) of oysters for about $27.00 from a local fresh seafood dealer.  I got the hang of shucking them as we opened probable 40 or so of these morsels.  The fellow’s wife prepared a horse radish sauce to enhance them.  Considering the price that one pays in a restaurant for oysters on the half shell it was quite a deal.  I enjoyed my share.

The Waterway from the dock office
From there, about 20 of our group went to a fine Italian restaurant where we had a really great time and a really great meal.  I had Italian sausage on linguini with marinara sauce.  Our waiter was most entertaining and skilled.  The whole evening was great talking and laughing with my new traveling companions.

I was tired and ready for bed when the 9:00 hour arrived.


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