Saturday, November 26, 2016

A day in Fernandina FL

Day 60, Saturday, November 26, 2016

You can monitor my trip at the link: Second Winds Progress Live

We spent the majority of the day in the town of Fernandina, FL.  We got up a bit later since we didn’t need to travel. I made a sausage gravy and toast with coffee breakfast. 

We fired up Damn Dink Too and headed for town at round 8:30.  Ken from
Sunrise over Fernandina Beach Fl
Mauna Kea called and offered that we meet at a local restaurant for breakfast.  We hunted around until we came across the Bright Morning Bistro and CafĂ©.  Since I had already eaten, I almost passed on the menu.  However, upon glancing at it, I saw that they indeed had sausage gravy and biscuits so I felt obligated to run a test to compare it to mine and Bob Evans.  I rated it at an 8 on a 1 to 10 scale. 
From there, we walked to a paint/hardware/marine store that was crammed
Florida House Inn
with all sorts of things that most of the modern stores don’t have.  I was looking for some PVC pipe to use as an extension on my dinghy motor’s tiller.  Sam was looking for the same thing so I bought enough for both of us
The Lesesne circa 1860 on of the oldest homes in Fernandina Beach
I made a trip back to the boat to check dimensions on both engines and then returned to the hardware store to purchase my pipe.  Meanwhile, the others walked the streets of the business district. The two women checked out every store which they passed while Ken and Dwight found a relaxing pub in which to pass the time.  I headed back to the Fernandina’s
Fernandina's Fantastic Fudge
Fantastic Fudge and ice cream shop to see if the bourbon caramel fudge ice
The 1891 Nassau County Courthouse
cream had maintained its quality since yesterday.  I am here to say that it was as good today as it was yesterday. 

We continued wandering the streets until about 2:00 when we settled into a booth at Pepper’s Mexican Grill.  I enjoyed three pork enchilada with refried beans and rice.  At the end of that meal, I made a vow to fast for the rest of the day.

We left the restaurant and headed back to the marina office where we had earlier in the day paid for the privilege of using their showers. When we came in this morning, we had brought with us our shower gear and had stored them in the boat.  The shower house
The heavily damaged marina in Fernandina Beachj
closed at 4:30 so, although it was a bit strange taking a shower in the middle of the afternoon, it really felt good. 

Tonight the village will celebrate the lighting of the Christmas lights.  They had set some carnival type activities for the kids and of course had many trinkets for the parents.  We decided to forego this celebration.

The air was starting to cool down as we left the shower house so we crawled
"Red sky at night, sailor's delight!"
in the dinghy and headed back to the boat.  Since we had eaten so much during the day, we bypassed the evening meal and spent the remainder of the evening reading.  I hadn’t slept very well the last couple of nights probably because I had hit the sack earlier than usual so tonight, my goal is to stay up past cruiser’s midnight.  We shall see.

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