Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Sailing seminar preparations for heading out tomorrow.

Day 13, Monday, October 10, 2016

You can monitor our trip at the link: Second Winds Progress Live

Today was an educational day.  I participated in a seminar held for those who were heading out with the “Sailing to the Sun ICW Rally” which is hosted by Wally Moran.  Janine and I met Wally in No Name Harbor in Key Biscayne FL about 3 years ago and found him to be a really interesting sailor.  He, amongst many other things is, a writer for Cruising World Magazine who travels from Canada, his home port, to Cuba, the Caribbean and all points in between. He claims to have traveled the Intracoastal Waterway, ICW, for over 20 times and is recognized as an authority on that passage.

Little Star under sail
Wally invited 7 other speakers to offer advice on various topics dealing with traveling on the ICW, the hurricane damage, anchoring, provisioning, transiting the Gulf Stream, sailing the Bahamas, how to sail as a couple and how to keep going with a partially broken boat.  A keynote speaker was Lynn Pardey who, with her husband Larry has circumnavigated the globe in, at first, a 26 foot motorless boat that the two of them built.  They have made a total of two complete trips around the world and traveled to and spent time in numerous exotic places.  They have been doing this for something like 47 years.  They have financed their adventures writing numerous books dealing with cruising and all fascist of sailing. 
Heading up the Wye River on Little Star

During the meeting, I struck up a conversation with Berta and John Vinet who are searching for that perfect first boat.  They were interesting folks who are convinced that this sailing/cruising lifestyle is what they are looking for.  They are in the market for a boat in the 32 to 35 foot range and as the conversation evolved, I invited them over to see Second Wind after the meeting. I had discussed with them Jim’s 39 foot Bristol and as we approach the dock where our boats are moored, I pointed out the Bristol.  Jim was on board and invited us to join him for a tour.  That tour ended up being 3 hours long including Jim’s famous Dark and Stormy rum drinks and wonderful conversation.  Upon their departure we vowed to stay in touch.  They are a fun positive couple whom I know will enjoy the sailing community and lifestyle.
The Thompson Point Light that I will pass tomorrow

After they left, I grilled a couple of steaks on Jim and me and we enjoyed a great final meal before I head south early tomorrow.  I have spent time getting the boat ready to head out and my goal is to make about 45 miles down the bay to the Solomon Islands where I plan to spend the night.   The weather forecast looks good with light northerly winds on a fairly calm Bay.  It will be quite cool.


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