Thursday, October 20, 2016

A Day in Elizabeth City

Day 23, Thursday, October 20, 2016

You can monitor my trip at the link: Second Winds Progress Live

Today was a hang around and get some chores accomplished.  I slept until about 6:00 and heated up the left over piece of prime rib for my breakfast. 

At 8:30, one of the local citizens showed up with her husband and between the two of them and their two cars, 6 of us were herded to Walmart.  I needed some more fuel for my heater, a dozen eggs and several other items.  The young lady waited until we were done then took us to two different places to get ice before returning us to our boats.  She then took me to a filling station when I got 6 gallons of boat fuel.

The gal and her husband work for a small Christian University where they take a 32 foot sailboat around for a ministry program.  She was a fascinating person who really enjoys the side job of shepherding cruising sailors around town.

While I was eating my lunch the boat, which had been sitting idly on the calm waters of the harbor, began to rock violently.  The wind had begun to blow and the rollers from the bay were driving directly into our mooring area.  My boat banged a couple of times up against the wooden pilings to which I was tied so I went out, strategically placed some fenders and tightened the mooring lines.  My biggest concern was my motor.  Since I was backed into the dock, the motor was bouncing up and down in a three foot ark about 6 inches from the steel I-beam and concrete dock wall.  If the motor were to drop down and then drive up into the beam, it would be totally destroyed.  I quickly got a couple of more lines and arranged what sailors call spring lines on each side of the boat. These lines pulled the boat forward to where the motor was bouncing about 4 feet for the wall behind.

The winds continued to build as the afternoon progressed and our boat and the little one next to me were bouncing up and down like hobby horses.  I considered heading out and trying to find a protected cove in which to drop anchor but several folks with wind apps assured me that the winds would die down as evening arrived
We gathered on one of the group member’s power boat for hors d’ouevres and drinks before a couple of us headed out to a hot dog stand that many of the bunch were raving about.  It turned out that it was closed so we found a Jamaican restaurant where I had a goat dish roti that was really good but so big that I could only eat half of it.

I returned to the boat at about 7:00 and found her still bouncing around like a bucking bronco.  I am not sure what the night’s sleep will be like.


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