Wednesday, October 26, 2016

A day in River Dunes

Day 28, Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Today was a down day in River Dunes.  I slept late and fixed a typical breakfast before I began working on my blog.  The highly touted Wi-Fi here is most frustrating.  I typed the text, entered it into the blog site and then started adding pictures.  I got two in place when the system refused to do more.  I finally gave up and typed my notification letter and it would not send that.  I tried off and on all
The marina office
day to add pictures and to send an email but to no avail. They have a second internet link in their office complex and that one would also not work.

I took a shower in their fancy tiled shower house and really enjoyed the hot water.  I usually don’t take long showers, however, I made an exception this time.
The remainder of the morning I messed around the boat.  It is amazing how dirty it gets both inside and out.  I guess I didn’t realize how much Janine takes care of
Second wind at rest at River Dunes Marina

some of that stuff while I am out doing my things.

After lunch, I was invited to join 4 other folks who had reserved the courtesy car for a trip to the little town of Oriental.  I had it in my mind that it was fairly large, however, it turned out to be most small and quaint.  They have a fish processing facility there along with several marinas.  The have a consignment store where you

can get used boat stuff.  I visited that store but only found the new items that they had for sale.  Back at River Dunes I was told that they also have a large back room with the used items.  I missed that.

My friend Jim Philpott strongly encouraged me to visit little coffee shop called the Bean.  I did and was not disappointed.  I had forgotten to take my camera so I couldn’t record this neat place.  It is a small old one plus room shop on stilts that serves specialized coffee, both hot and cold, and numerous ice and ice cream creations.  I order a Nora Backword which is a cold coffee drink with chocolate ice cream and caramel syrup with a big pile of whipped cream on top.  It was super! The seating is made up of probably 5 small tables in the center, a leather couch, leather chair, and several other chairs arranged around the wall.  The walls are adorned with photos and paintings by local artists. Needless to say, it was worth the trip to town.
Back at the boat, I spent the rest of the afternoon doing chores that I had put off like adjusting the position of my jib on the furler and moving my radio microphone more to the back of the boat where I sit while piloting. During that time many of our group engaged in a croquet match.
For dinner, we were treated to a New England clam chowder dinner in dining room of the marina.  They had all of the great trimmings and as usual, I over ate. A solo guitar player sang and strummed numerous tunes that were most appropriate for the group.  He was a really skilled musician who interacted through the whole evening with only one 3 minute break.
After dinner, I made a call home and then headed back to the boat for a bit of reading before I fell asleep.

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