Wednesday, October 26, 2016

River Dunes to Oriental

Day 29, Wednesday, October 26, 2016

You can monitor my trip at the link: Second Winds Progress Live

Today turned out to be an interesting day.  I am still at the River Dunes Marina but wanted to move on to the town dock in Oriental.  The holdup is my camera.  Back in the Chesapeake, it got wet in a rain storm.  The power switch evidently
Heading out in the River Dunes entrance canal
has corroded because it does not make contact when it is turned on.  If you hold down pressure on it, it will sometimes come on but it is most unpredictable.  My son Scott has the identical camera and has shipped his body to me and when it arrives, I will send my back to the factory to be refurbished. 

Getting it to me is a challenge because I am a moving target heading down the ICW.  I knew we would be at River Dunes for a couple of days so I assumed that I could get it here.  It turns out that this mega organization is not particular interested in getting its mail.  Their mailbox is over a mile from the marina and the
Wung out heading for Oriental
check it ever few days.  I became frustrated trying to get them to see the importance of my point.  Scott had sent it by overnight mail and had a tracking number.  He called me this morning and told me that there had been an attempted delivery but no one was present to sign for it so it was returned.  I went to the marina a desk to get the phone number of the post office and a lady, who is an employee in another division of this complex happened to be there and overheard the conversation.  She offered that she was heading to town and would take me to the post office.  She also know the mail carrier and had her phone number.  She called the gal and set up a location where we could meet.  It worked!

Back at the boat, I fired up the little engine and headed for Oriental.  Out in the
Shrimp boat in Oriental Harbors
open water, I had a nice following breeze so I put up both sails and cruised the 8 miles down the river the town dock.  It was a really pleasant ride.

The town dock has only about 4 or 5 spots to pull in a boat and all of them were filled except for a space right along the wall.  As I pulled in two folks from our group came to the wall to assist me.  They let me know that this spot was available because it is quite shallow.  No problem for me.  I raise my center board and coasted up for a perfect landing and tie up.  I am located right in the middle of the
town directly across from the Bean Coffee Shop.

Second Wind tied up along the wall in the crowded town dock
After securing and tidying up the boat, I went across the street to the Bean and enjoyed another of their frozen concoctions.  I don’t know the name of this one but I do know that it was good.

The "Bean;" a true cultural experience
Parked where I am, folks are continually walking by the boat and stopping to talk.  It was really fun.  I met a number of interesting folks.  Many of them were boaters others were tourists interested in my excursion. 

A while back I had purchased a couple of small ribeye steaks that I had planned to grill but with all of the group dining parties, I had not gotten them cooked.  So, tonight was the night.  I grilled one and accompanied it with a big bowl of cheesy grits.

The Silos Restaruant
After dinner a Bill and his wife Tina from one of the other boats offered that they were going to a restaurant called the Silos for dinner and to listen to local guitar players gather for an open mike session.  We walked about a mile to this unique restaurant.  It is made of two adjoined large grain bins that have been converted into this really net establishment.  The bar/restaurant is on the second floor which is decorated with hundreds of vinyl record and their covers.  It was packed with folks who come to this weekly Wednesday night event.  The event lasted 2 hours and probably 6 or so individual or groups performed.  The skill level was across the board but it turned
Open mike night at the Silos
out to be a really fun evening.  Since I had already eaten, I had a salad and a glass of wine.  My friends had pizza and some other Italian dish along with a cannoli.  It was really a fun evening.

The walk back was a bit cold but a brisk walk made
Inside of Silos.  Note the cutout walls of the grain bin
it tolerable.  I was in bed by 9:30.

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