Friday, October 28, 2016

Oriental to Beauford

Day 30, Thursday, October 27, 2016

You can monitor my trip at the link: Second Winds Progress Live
Fascinating day today.  I began by arriving at the Bean a bit after 7:00 for a cup of coffee and the use of their WiFi. I had be advised that it
One of many
was a great place to get a flavor of the locals who start their day there.  I only regret that I didn’t have a recorder to capture the interaction between the patrons and the gal who was making the coffee. 

An example included a discussion of a new night club/bar that had opened in town.  I seems that they have some kind of a show/play that is performed.  There was lively discussion about the skill of the actors and the quality of the performance.  The consensus was that it was very good.  Some folks had seen the belly dancer perform but the waitress had missed
What sailors hate to see.
it.  However, she had heard that they had a hookah pipe and she went into great detail describing her experience smoking.  She described it as similar to vaping but much more enjoyable.
This young lady is quite good looking pleasant. Her appearance is a bit deceiving.  She has long dreadlocks that reach to her waste and tattoos under her arms.  Her attire is a bit like what we experienced in the 60s.  But she fits into the group and is added to the fun.  I spent 2 hours working on my blog and enjoying the dialog.

I walked to the post office to mail my camera body back to the factory for a rehab job.  The walk was about ½ miles one way so I got a bit of exercise before I got on
the boat and headed out.  I motored about 5 miles across the Neuse River before entering Adams Creek.  I followed the Creek for about 15 miles before entering the Newport River on the north side of the town of Beaufort.  The river is quit shallow and filled with shoaling.

 I entered into the narrow Russell Slough and headed for a bascule bridge that opens up a highway.  As I approached the bridge, I called him on the radio and the tender said that there had
And another
been a 4 car pileup and that the bridge would not open.  He would not give me an estimate of the wait but a guy in a large fishing boat heard our conversation and offered to take me back to the main channel and around Radio Island.  It increases the trip to the marina where we will be staying by about an hour but at least I would be able to get there at a reasonable hour.  We swung around the north end of the island and as we were approaching the high rise bridge over the channel, the fisherman radioed that the railroad on the other side of the highway bridge was closed.  He said that he had never seen that before.   
There was a long train sitting on the bridge with what appeared no intention to
The bridge is finally open
move.  There was no way to get south on the rivers so I set the tiller pilot to turn the boat in a circle and waited for about 45 minutes until the train finally began to slowly move and the bridge finally opened. 

I made the trip around the island and headed for the Beaufort Town Docks.  This has a huge complex with something like 98 transient docks.  It is located on the Taylor River which has strong tidal currents.  I called for my slip assignment and was directed into a very narrow passage to the back side of the dock where there a large number of big boats.  I was concerned about the interaction between the strong wind and strong current. However, I was able to maneuver through the mini maze with no difficulty.

After tying up and checking in, I joined Sam and her husband, Phil, for dinner at a Mexican Restaurant.  As usually happens at that type of establishment, I severely overate and returned to the boat feeling stuffed. 

It was early but I laid down for a brief rest and fell sound asleep.  An hour or so later, I awoke, got into my proper sleeping attire and called it a night.

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