Monday, October 24, 2016

A Down Day at Dowry Creek Marina

Day 26, Sunday, October 23, 2016

You can monitor my trip at the link: Second Winds Progress Live

It was a down day today.  We stayed in Dowry Creek Marina winding down from the tiring day that yesterday evolve into.

Second Wind and Damn Dink Too awaiting a cleansing
I tried to sleep in but that is not something that I can do.  I fixed breakfast and basically cleaned and straightened up the boat.

I did laundry.  The machines are free but quite slow so during the dry cycle, I returned to the boat to top off my fuel tanks.  Someone walked by and asked if I got my laundry finished and that reminded me that I had forgotten it well for over an hour.  I jumped off of the boat and passing a lady on the dock, she commented that she hoped that I didn’t mind but she and another lady had folded my clothes for me. I didn’t have anything in the dirty mess that would shock one but I was a bit embarrassed that someone else had to do it for me.

Dowry Creek Marina offices at twilight
A group of fellows used the car that the marina provides as a courtesy to go into town to buy meat and groceries for a group cook out.  I really have nothing to offer so I gave them $20.00 to be used as my contribution to the meal.  They had bbq chicken, burgers, and bratwursts along with many other fine side dishes that folks brought from the big boats.  It was quite a feast.

Tomorrow we have about a 40 mile trip to the fancy River Dunes Marina.  My good friend Jim Philpott says that the town of Oriental in which the marina is located is one of his favorites along the whole waterway.  We shall see.

Back in the boat, I set up my route for the trip and read until bed time.


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