Friday, October 14, 2016

A Weather Day off of Hudgins Creek

Day 17, Friday, October 14, 2016
You can monitor my trip at the link: Second Winds Progress Live

Today was a sit around and watch the weather day.  I anticipated the high winds when I picked this little cove for my hiding place and was pleasantly surprised by the fact that I felt no wind at all.  I had my anchor drag alarm on all night and this morning, the traces on the GPS screen showed that the boat had wandered around in a semi-circle all night but there were absolutely no waves.  Out in the Bay, the winds were gusting to 25 knots and the waves were 3 to 4 feet.  The boat can handle that stuff but it is uncomfortable and I have the time to spare.  It was a beautiful sunny day.

Moonlight over a home along the shore of my little cove
I got up at around 6:30, fixed a chipped beef on toast (SOS) breakfast and spent the remainder of the day completing little chores that had been neglected on the boat.  I also got into a novel that took place along the Ohio River on the eastern side of our state.

Toward the middle of the afternoon, I put the little Honda 2.2 motor on Damn Dink Too and putted around the little cove and out into
One of the many nice homes near my mooring in the daylight
the Stutts river.  There are a lot of nice homes that line the shores.  Our friend Carole Groves commented that all shore front property is really expensive, regardless where you are on the Bay.

That reminds me.  Last evening I got a great email from Carole discussing her experiences on Smith Island.  She also commented that she had grown up in Hampton, VA in the area where I will be spending the next two nights.  I had to call her and suggest that she and her husband Jim could get into their car on Sunday and drive to Hampton
An adult and juvenile Black Backed Gull taking flight
and be my tour guide.  It turns out that she has other obligations but we did spend at least a half an hour talking about things in the area where I am now moored and Hampton.  It was great getting to talk with her.  She is truly a wealth of information.

I fixed a pork chop and mashed potatoes for my evening meal.  A glass of Black Box Merlot enhanced the canned dinner.

Second Wind at rest in a cove off of Hudgins Creek
Tomorrow I will be heading for Hampton.  It’s about 33 miles to the marina where our group is gathering so I will need to get underway in plenty of time.  The group leader suggests that we arrive in the port during the daylight hours to avoid being confused by the myriad of lights in and around the harbor.  So, my goal is to get underway as close to 7:00 as the sunrise will allow.  The track out of Milford Haven is quite convoluted and mistakes land you on extremely shallow shoals.  The NOAA weather marine forecast calls for falling winds and seas tonight so I should have no problem making that destination by mid-afternoon.

Daylight is fading and so am I.  It is getting close to 9:00.

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