Sunday, April 30, 2017

Antoher day in Oriental

Day 14 Saturday, April 29, 2017

You can monitor my trip at the link: Little Star's Progress Live

I mentioned the Silos yesterday but didn't show any pictures

day began as before with a trip to The Bean and a scone.  They were out of cinnamon so I had to settle for a blueberry which was just as good. We had the pleasure of sitting with an older gentleman who has lived here for something like 19 years.  He has a sailboat and a cruiser and of course we had a great conversation about boating subjects.  He also talked at length about the personalities and the goings on in the Oriental area.  He said that there were three different crowds that come to the Bean.  The place opens at 7:00 but the w0rking folks stop by at 6:30 to get their coffee and breakfast snack.  Then at 7:00 the “liberal” crowd comes in and sits around expressing their views.  Finally at 9:00 the conservative group comes on the scene. He seemed to be amazed in the difference in the
The bar on the second floor of the Silo
three crowds.  He also told us that The Bean is closed on Sunday, but then opens as Saint Bean.

After breakfast, Janine and I walked down to the area where the cyclists were gathering for an 8:00 start.  Several of the West Virginia group left early in anticipation of taking what they call a Century Ride, 100 miles.  When the clock stuck 8, a throng of hundreds of riders rolled through an inflatable arch which had a bubble machine throwing a fog of bubbles into the air. 

The start of the ride
Back at the boat, we mostly hung around doing little odds and ends to pass the time.  I got down in the dinghy to scrub off some black marks on the side of the boat that we had picked up at a dock.  I was unable to get the dinghy back to the dock because of pilings so I had to climb back over the side of the boat to get back aboard.  It was really tough and if that had been in open water, I wouldn’t have been able to do it.

After the riders returned, we joined them at the Otown Restaurant where they had lunch. The most significant thing that we did during the afternoon was to cross the street to The Bean for a scoop of peaches and cream ice cream.
The cycle group received a free dinner as part of their package so Janine and I hiked M&M Restaurant where we both had a wonderful chicken pot pie.  They turned out to be huge and neither of us could finish them and still have room to share a piece of bread pudding.  The waitress warned us that the pudding was huge and we were amazed at how big it turned out to be.  We ate half of it, put the remainder in a take home box and promptly left it on the table when we departed.  When I got out to the street, I realized that I had left it so I went back to the table to get it.  In that short bit of time, the table had been cleaned and another couple were checking out their menus.

The Marina manager
The evening entertainment was a three piece band who performed on the porch of the marina office.  They had a loud electric base, a semi loud guitar and a fiddler who was really not very good.  However, they played tunes familiar to the crowd who seemed not to notice their lack of skill.
The band continued and we headed back to the boat.  We were tired enough that we slept in spite of the melodic sounds coming the marina porch.


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