Saturday, April 29, 2017

A day in Oriental

Day 13 Friday, April 28, 2017

You can monitor my trip at the link: Little Star's Progress Live

We began our day with a short walk across the street where we each enjoyed a cinnamon scone and a cup of coffee at The Bean.  It is the big first day of the cycle trips and there was quite a line of folks trying to get their morning nourishment. 
Tent City
The riders all left at round 9:00 and headed out on either 15, 25, or 45 mile trips around the flat countryside surrounding Oriental. It is amazing to see all of the different brightly colored outfits that these folks all wear.  In talking to several of them about their clothes, the all agree that the main reason for the outlandish bright colors is so that they can be seen while traveling the roads.  All of these routes follow highways so you can imagine the congestion
The newly installed Windlass
when 1,600 bikers head out down these roads. 

In conversations with members of the group, for the most part, the cyclists try to not to impede traffic but there are always a few inconsiderate riders who cause some of the locals to be upset.  We overheard several comments regarding the riders as we enjoyed our breakfast.

After the riders took off, I undertook to install the new windlass on Little Star.  It wasn’t a difficult job but the majority of it needed to be done inside of the chain locker located at the very front of the boat.  I could just barely get my upper body through the little door so that I could attach the wiring and secure the bolts.  It was a wonderful feeling to hit the switch and see the
The really neat art gallery
anchor chain roar into the locker.

Later in the day, Janine and I went back to The Bean for a scoop of peaches and cream ice cream.  The Bean has a nice front porch that overlooks the harbor so it was fun watching the throngs of riders pass as they returned from their trips.  From there we went next door to Creative Gallery which turned out to be a very interesting art gallery filled with many wonderful paintings and junk sculptures created by local artists. 

Late in the afternoon, we were invited to join the Blennerhassett group for snacks and adult beverages.  Once there, we all called in orders for dinner
One of the many junk sculptures
at the Silo Restaurant.  We had heard that there was to be a band in the field out behind the Silo so we all hiked the mile or so carrying our chairs in preparation for the concert. I had spaghetti and meatballs and Janine had lasagna.  The Silo was so pressed with the throng of bike people that they ran out of forks.  However, the band, Saltwater Gold was truly outstanding.  They played rock songs from earlier eras to which people kicked off their shoes and danced
A great time was had by all
with great exuberance.  It was a really fun evening.  However, at about 8:30, reality raised its ugly head that we had a mile plus walk back before bedtime so with Ann and Steve of the cycle group we headed back to the boat.

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