Monday, May 1, 2017

Oriental to Belhaven

You can monitor my trip at the link: Little Star's Progress Live

Day 15 Sunday, April 30, 2017
We arose early this morning and helped Jim pack his gear for the trip back towards Parkersburg.  He is riding back with one of his cycling friends.  Along the way they plan to do a bit more riding on the Virginia trails around Jamestown.  We said our “so longs” sometime around 7:30.  It has been a
Little Star underway
great trip and a super learning experience for both Janine and Me.  Piloting a big boat is somewhat different than what we are used to with Second Wind.  We are both excited and a bit apprehensive to take off on our own.  I feel I have most of the skills to handle the boat with a few tweaks here and there to hone my docking and launching.  The main thing is to go slow!

Oriental fishing fleet
After a consuming a quick scone, we said fair well to the wonderful Bean.  It is truly an interesting establishment.  At about 8:15, we cast off our lines with the help of the folks in the boat next to us and headed out into the ICW.  The wind was blowing at 12 to 15 knots from the southwest so we were able to raise our sails and shut down the engine.  We had a fabulous ride along the Neuse River for 2 ½ hours.  We started out on a broad reach making 5 plus knots and after the route turned to the north. We adjusted the sails for a beam reach which shot us along at up to 7.4 knots. 

Just before the ICW ducked into Grace Creek, we dropped our sails and continued motoring.  Just inside the Creek, I realized that I had a nice
following wind so I unfurled the jib and motor sailed the rest of the way to Belhaven.  With just the motor, we were making 6 knots, and with the jib, we were boosted up to seven.  Now I realize that 7 knots doesn’t sound like a lot of speed and really it equates to about 8mph. In a sailboat, that is really smoking along.  We don’t see those kinds of speed in Second Wind.  It was fun!

As we pulled in through the breakwater that protects Belhaven harbor, the wind was blowing hard from the southwest and the entrance to the small docking harbor is narrow and down wind.  I debated about dropping the anchor in the lee of the breakwater but as I approached the town dock entrance, my confidence built and I decided to go for it.  Entering the narrow shoot leading, I realized that there was another sailboat where I had planned to moor.  There was enough room for both of us all be it the space was limited.  To make a long story short, we made it.  It wasn’t particularly pretty but with the crew of the other boat and two dock hands, we ended up securely tied to the dock. 

Old wooden boat hauling system
We met the young owner of the marina and I spent quite a bit of time talking with him.  He works in Rawleigh, NC in the data storage industry and with his wife and friend that have undertaken the task of running this marina.  They are doing all they can to make it most appealing.  They even offer free kayak usage to those who stay with them.  As I said in an earlier post, this
Sunset at Belhaven Town Dock
place is a true jewel.

We grilled our brats on the boat and enjoyed our last package of cheesy grits.  Of course, we also embellished this fine meal with a glass of Merlot!
After dinner, we took our sheets and dirty clothes to their free laundry.  We also took advantage of their wonderful showers.  Did I say that this is a great place?

By the time the clothes were dry, we were ready for bed.  It was a great day!

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