Saturday, April 29, 2017

Broad Creek Anchorge to Oriental Marina

Day 12 Thursday, April 27, 2017

You can monitor my trip at the link: Little Star's Progress Live

We awoke this morning to a beautiful sunrise and glassy waters.  The reflection of the trees across the bay was an inspiring sight.  We prepared sausage, eggs, and toast for our last anchorage before Oriental.

From the forecast, we assumed that we would be able to sail the last few
Early morning in Broad Creek
miles of our journey; however, there was little wind.  As usual, we met a number of boats heading north.  It’s the time of year when the “snowbirds” are heading back north.  As we were moving along, Jim commented that the steering was feeling a bit stiff.  He checked the speed and it had dropped down to 4.5 knots.  We stopped, put the boat in reverse and out popped a crab pot float.  These things are the scourge of
Nice home in Broad Creek
the Waterway.  Luckily we had not rapped the line in the prop.  That sometimes requires a trip under water with the mask and snorkel. 

We pulled into Oriental at around 10:00.  As usual, Jim backed Little Star into a finger dock in the back corner of the marina.  He is a master at backing this boat.  I have a lot to learn in this department.  These boats have a phenomenon known as “prop walk in which the stern of the boat moves towards the port when the boat is in reverse making them very difficult to put into tight places.  Jim is really good at it, however.

Once we had the boat secure, we set out on a walk looking for the biking group that Jim will be riding with.  I was amazed by the number of small tents that people packed together in parks, lawns and fields. Jim’s group,
Beautiful fisherman leaving Oriental
Blennerhassett Cycle Club, is an interesting group of folks that include riders of all skill levels who enjoy riding and social fellowship.  It is my understanding that the club was established sometime back in the late 1800’s and continues to this date, with weekly rides and monthly meetings.  According to Jim, most rides end with some sort of social gathering. 

While Jim joined his biking friends for a short ride around town, Janine and
I went to the “The Bean” Ice Cream Shop for a Norma Backwards which is a
The Bean
slushy with ice cream, coffee and ice.  After that, we walked about a mile or so to the West Marine to check on the windless that was to be delivered to their store.  It turned out to be there so I paid for it and then tried to figure out how I would get it back to the boat.  My first option, Uber, was not an option nor was a cab; so I decided to start walking with it.  It weighs 30 pounds and the long walk would probably present a problem.  The store manager said that if I we could wait for a half hour, he
Blennerhassett Cycle Club Enclave
would be heading that way as he traveled home.  I, of course, jumped on that offer. 

Duane (standing) and Jay
Later in the evening, all of the members present at this gathering crowded into the cockpit to be treated to Jim’s favorite cocktail, the Dark and Stormy; a rum drink made with Goslings Black Seal Bermuda Black Rum that is floated atop of ginger beer on ice with a wedge of lime.  The group included Steve, Ann, Kathy, Jay, Candace, Carol, Duane, Vickie, Mack, Janine, Jim and me.  We all laughed at jokes, told truths and lies for probably 2 hours before we headed for dinner at the Toucan Grill and Fresh Bar which is a part of the Oriental Marina.  This highly compatible group was most enjoyable and
l-r Ann, Kathy, Carol, Vicki, and Mack - Jim's arm
accepting of us not bikers.  I had been eating frequent large meals (as I was reminded by my Kentucky cousin) so I limited my dinner to a burger and chips.  It was a great time.

I received significant kidding when I informed the group it
l-r Steve, Janine and Candice

was 3 minutes past 9:00 and into my sleep time. 

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