Sunday, March 1, 2015

RAIN- Man 0h Man the Rain

Day 5:  February 28, 2015


The word of the day is rain.  We were up at around 5:00.  I typed the notes, Janine fixed sausage gravy and we prepped ourselves for the l
The Tortilla mess.  The thing on the griddle is a left over
not my final product.  It looked better than that!
aunch and to embark.  The wind was light but cloudy.  We were ready to move on! 
I realized that the little inverter that I use to charge the computer was not big enough to handle the load so a short trip to Best Buy is in order before we dumped the boat into the water. We climbed into the truck at about 8:00 and headed into town.  About ½ way to our destination, it started to rain.  I mean really raining!  By the time we traveled about 5 miles, water was starting to pond on the road at depths that I thought we or other drivers might have problems with stalling.  We got to Best Buy and found that the parking lot was up to the lower sill of the few cars in the parking lot.  And, we found that the electronics store did not open until 10:00.
So, we crossed the street to a Target where we planned to pick up some reading materials for Janine but the rain was so intense, we sat in the truck for pretty close to an hour before we could make a mad dash for the store.  It was no real problem because we had a book on tape that we had been listening to but had not completed on our trip down.
Back in the truck and heading to Best Buy, the water depths were amazing.  I pulled up close to the store front and Janine jumped out.  I parked the truck in the driest part of the parking lot and waded in above ankle deep water to get to the store.  We bought the inverter and headed back to the boat.
The other issue I failed to discuss was the really poor visibility. It was really hard to see the deep ponds of water in the roadway.  
Back at the boat, the deluge continued.  We sat in the truck for another hour until we finished our book on tape.  I finally decided to get a jacket out of the back seat and make a dash for it.  By the time I got to the boat, a distance of 25 feet, I was soaked!  The time was 12:15.  That rain continued off and on like that for the remainder of the day and into the evening.  The RADAR app on my phone shows that the little high capacity storm seemed to spawn just west of Stuart and flow slowly out to the east north east.  It seemed to me to be a strange interesting phenomenon. 
How about a blog writing selfie on the v-berth.  My
neck doesn't really look that blobby!

We spent the afternoon reading and just chilling out.  We went back to Shrimpers for dinner where we started our meal with an appetizer of conch fritters.  I again had their grouper (blackened this time in honor of my friend Dwight who again pulled me out of a computer jam) and Janine had coconut shrimp.  I had a cup of their wonderful spicy conch chowder along with a loaf of fresh baked bread.  Man what a feast.

Back to the boat, read and went to bed at about 9:00.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Steve and Janine. We had our annual Chili/Bunco event today and we'll take the rain anytime. Central Ohio got quite a blast overnight and the city was plowing the lot when we arrived. took them about an hour to finish. The now stopped about 1:00, but has started up again with BIG heavy flakes. Very pretty if you don't have to shovel it. Stay dry. Tony
