Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Lignumvitae Key to Plantation Key

Day 37: Tuesday, March 29, 2016

This will be a short set of notes.  We left Lignumvitae Key at around 9:00 and motored for Plantation Key.  Our goal for the day is to get in the area around Plantation Yacht Basin where we will pull the boat out of the water.  I planned to anchor in the area not far from the marina so that I could get in there early on Wednesday morning.  We will then get the boat ready to be jerked out of the water before renting a car at the end of the day.
We then would drive back to Marco Island, pick up our truck and trailer and then head back to Plantation. 

We arrived in what is known as the Cow Pen which is a large bay near Islamorada.  It was at one time used to pen up captured manatees which were then slaughtered for food.  Of course those, days were before anyone ever heard of endangered species.  It is a lovely place to anchor.  The shore is lined with fancy homes and we found a great place in about 5 feet of water.  We dropped the anchor and got what we felt was a good bite. The Cow Pen is well protected from winds from the south and east but quite exposed to winds from the northeast and north. 

Since it was noon time, we prepared our lunch, my last packet of Spam.  I checked the weather and found that they were forecasting strong winds of up to 20 knots from the north along with thunderstorms for the overnight.  Not a good forecast for where we were anchored. So, I called the marina which was about ½ mile from where we had anchored, and inquired about the availability of a slip a day early and they were able to accommodate us.  

We pulled the anchor and headed for the Plantation Yacht Harbor and slip T75.  We pulled in and tied up and felt relieved.  After checking in, we immediately began the chores required to pull the boat out of the water.  We removed the sails, secured all sorts of lines and equipment and Janine did a large batch of laundry.  It was hot and humid.  By the time I was to go after the car that we had reserved, I was absolutely soaked with perspiration.
I caught a ride in “Mom’s Cab.”  The car checkout was quick and efficient and by 4:15 I returned to the marina with a VW Passat. I offered Janine the opportunity to go for a swim in their gorgeous pool but she declined.  I couldn’t resist so I spent a good 45 minutes enjoying the cool refreshing fresh water.

Since we now had a car, we left the marina for the Islamorada Fish Market where I had a wonderful Snapper Française and Janine a grilled grouper sandwich.  What a wonderful meal.

After dinner, we returned to the boat where we deflated Damn Dink Too, packaged her up and got ready for the night.  AND then the wind started to blow.  I heard folks on the dock that it was blowing over 20 knots.  Whew!  We really made the right decision on that one.  Even as I type these notes, the boat is bouncing around at the dock.  It would have been a realllllly long night had we stayed anchored.  We dodged a bullet!
Ours goal is to hit the road tomorrow morning at around 6:00 in order to miss the Miami rush hour traffic.  We shall see.  I probably will not have a blog tomorrow.

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