Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Hanging out and reairing the trailer brakes

Day 7: Sunday, February 28

I started my day with a bowl of Cheerios and a great cup of coffee.  My goal was to spend the morning working on the boat trailer.  On the way down here, I had the feeling that the brakes were not working. Upon our arrival, I checked the brake master cylinder and found that it was empty.  I had repaired a faulty wheel cylinder earlier in the fall but still was not confident in their stopping ability. 
This morning, I refilled the master cylinder and cycled the brakes a number of times and found fluid leading from a loose fitting on one of the wheel cylinders.  I tightened the fitting, traveled to an auto parts store to purchase more fluid and enlisted Scott to help me bleed the brakes. When we finished, we hooked the truck to the trailer and reassured ourselves that the brakes were again functional.

Back at the time share, we enjoyed the excess Italian food that we carried home from Joey’s last evening.  The grand-kids finally got to get into the pool and the early afternoon was spent relaxing.

My cousin Fran and her husband Bob Boardman have a lovely home on a golf course here on Marco Island and they invited the group of us over for strawberry ice cream pie and another swim.  The Boardman’s are interesting fun people and we thoroughly enjoyed spending time with them.

Again, back at the time share, we joined Claire’s parents out on the beach where we enjoyed a beautiful sunset.

I need to add another story.  On the way down, we pulled into a filling station with the truck and trailer.  It was somewhat of a tight maneuver but when I finally got to the pump, I realized that the credit card reader was nonfunctional so I went into the office to get the pump activated.  I stood at the counter for a bit of time when the main man in charge wandered out from his office. I told him that I needed fuel and that the pump would not take my card.  He asked how much fuel I needed and I told him I could probably take 25 gallons.  He grumbled and said that he would have to get his calculator.  He did his calculations and announced that I would need $40.00.  I inquired as to what would happen if I didn’t use all of the forty dollars and he grumbled that it would be replaced on my card.  I went out and proceeded to put the nozzle into the trick, punched the start button and nothing happened.  I tried several scenarios to no avail so I went back into the head man’s domain and told him that the pump would not pump!  He said, “Ya gotta press the button!”  I said I did and in a major huff, he stormed out and pointed out my ignorance that I had put the wrong hose into the truck.  And, he stormed away. 

Janine had an opportunity to visit their restroom and when she returned, she reported that this was one of the filthiest restrooms that she had encountered and that there was a sign above the sink stating “Our restrooms suck.  Deal With It!”  Ain’t life fun!

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