Thursday, July 2, 2015

We Are On Our Way

June 29-30 2015, Travel

We finally got underway on Monday morning.  At the end of a trip to Lake Erie, the previous trip, I noticed that the backstay had 3 broken wires out of the 19.  It would not do to head out with that problem so I sent the old one via Over Night Mail to a rigging shop in Michigan who promised to have it back by the end of the week.  To abbreviate a long story, it did not arrive until our departure date.  I got the UPS driver’s phone number and was able to intercept him so that we could get on the road by 11:00.  We drove for 10 hours to Utica NY where we pulled into a Best Western for the night.

June 30
We were back on the road by 7:00 AM heading for Bath, Maine.  A truly uneventful trip.  I have been driving a bit slower than usual and have increased my gas mileage to a bit above 9 mpg.  On our trips to Florida, we usually get about 7.5
View of Kenebec River in Bath Maine

Upon our arrival, we contacted our friends, Krista and John Trimner who have a camp (cottage) not too far from Bath and they offered that we could all head for a local wharf where they sell and cook fresh caught lobsters at a relatively reasonable price.  We spent a bit of time stepping the mast and getting Second Wind ready to launch tomorrow before we headed out for a wonderful dining experience.  You go into this little red shack where a young man takes your order.  On the chalk board, the catch of the day is listed along with the price.  You tell him the approximate size that you want and he scurries over to the next room and returns carrying two squirming “bugs.”  He drops them in a scale and takes your cash.  He   then stuffs the lobsters in a cloth mesh bag and hands them to his assistant.  That guy takes them back and cooks them. I assume that they have some sort of massive steamer.

In twenty minutes they scream out your name and you collect your dinner.  We also got some wonderful French fries and onion rings from the building next door.  They don’t serve alcoholic beverages so that part of the dinner was provided by the Trimners who carried a cooler to the picnic table overlooking the lovely bay with the moored lobster boats and sailboats.  

Back at the boat by 8:30 and in bed by a bit after 9:00.  It had been a long day and were tired. We slept in the boat on the trailer at the launch facility for the City of Bath.  

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