Sunday, July 26, 2015

Another day in Long Cove

Day 27: July 25, 2015

It rained last night and the boat was quite cool.  We awoke at the usual time and enjoyed sausage gravy on toast.  We have eaten our last pancake fixings so we will get to have the gravy for the remainder of the trip.  We do have eggs left and a bit of bacon but if I keep it quiet, we may finish out the trip with my favorite.

A Lobster Pound where they cook and serve the lobster on the wharf
It dawned a dreary day so we basically hung out in the boat until afternoon.  This being Saturday, we assumed that folks would start coming into our little cove and claiming their mooring ball.  The first to arrive was a cabin cruiser who took the ball right next to where we were moored.  I decided to row over and discuss the use of these balls with them and they told us that the owner of the ball onto which we were tied was his brother and he would be coming in later this afternoon.  I asked if any balls were unused and he pointed out one so we immediately moved to the new site.  I really like it better and I feel more comfortable knowing that we will not
Morning calm in Long cove
be intruding.

 The sky finally cleared, so Janine and I got in ole Dink and motored around our cove.  At the far end, the bay narrows down to probably 40 feet wide and the passage through emerges as huge boulders when the tide goes out.  The tide was coming in so we zoomed through the opening which broke out into a really neat lake. We slowly motored all the way around the edge and enjoyed the scenery.  At one point, we pulled the dinghy onto the shore and walked around on the rock beach.  These rocks are never subjected to the wave action that rounds stones that are exposed to open waters so they are angular and sharp.  Also they are either igneous or metamorphic in nature, therefore really hard and resistant to grinding.
Back in the dinghy, we met another couple who were making the same venture as
Church overlooking the harbor in Camden
we so we stopped and chatted for quite a while.  They are from Maine and are weekend cruising on a 40 foot Tartan.  They were interesting, charming folks.
We continued our exploration and came across another little pond off of another cove that also would be isolated from the main body of water at low tide.  It is fun to be able to cruise into places like this in the dinghy.

Janine and I discussed earlier in the day, as she was editing my blog, that I was using words like beautiful too often in these musings.  I realized that this place is so beautiful that my limited vocabulary has run out of adjectives to describe all that I am seeing.  

Back at the boat, we got out the Kipper Snacks and crackers as we prepared our bratwurst and garlic mashed potatoes dinner.  Last evening, we had prepared a blob spice cake so we devoured some of that for dessert.  And then bed.

And another Loon.  I like Loons

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