Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Mt Desert Island day 2

Day 8: July 6, 2015

We started the day as we usually do with a wonderful breakfast of sausage gravy and toast. I canned one portion of sausage and we found the absolute best sausage gravy mix at a specialty grocery store that we located near Berlin in Amish country.  We have tried any number of premade mixes but this one is truly outstanding.  I hope I can track it down as soon as I return to Ohio.

Early in the morning we heard a bald eagle call so we located him/her sitting in a tall solitary pine on the eastern shore of our cove.  While we watched, he took off and flew in a straight line at a 45 degree angle to the water and splashed coming
Early morning calm in Somes Harbor
up with a fish.  From there he flew to a tall tree on the west side of the cove where he commenced to devour his breakfast.  Soon there were a total of 4 eagles fishing in the area where we are moored.  It’s really exciting to see these majestic birds in action.

Island Explorer Bus - completely free transportation Thanks LL Bean
At about 12:15, we took Dink to the town dock and then walked down to the library where we caught bus to the Village Green in Bar Harbor.  There we transferred to a bus that took us on a truly beautiful loop road on which we passed Jordan Lake, Northeast Harbor and back to Bar Harbor.  The whole trip took about two hours.  This was a trip to scope out places to which we will return. 
Back in Bar Harbor, we had about an hour layover before the next trip that we planned to take so we went walking about the town.  We were scoping out restaurants and interesting shops.  We are convinced that all shops have the same stuff that differ only in the shop in china where they are manufactured.  The one place that we found was the highly acclaimed ice cream shop called Bill and Bob’s Chocolate Emporium.  They make their own ice cream and it obvious that the word is out because of the number of folks waiting line to get a scoop or two.  I had mocha Heath Bar flavored and Janine had a scoop of mint chocolate
Big beauty we saw motoring earlier
chip.  Yes, it was very good.

We stopped at a shop called “Sailors and Hooks” that advertised that they had all kinds of old stuff for sale.  They did but by far the majority was the trinket stuff that all of the other shops had.

Back at the bus stop, we boarded the bus that took us to the Acadia National Park visitors center.  There we found some great books and maps of the park.
We left the visitors center on a bus
that took us back to Bar Harbor.  It was by now 5:00 and the next bus back to Somesville was scheduled for 5:40 so we headed for a supermarket where we bought another great steak and ice.  We will have chilled beverages for at least a couple of days now.
We got back to the Village Green in time to catch the bus back to Someville. The driver let us off right at our lane that leads down to the town dock.  It was amazing, he just put on his flashers and stopped in the middle of the road to let us out.  

Bell Buoy that warns mariners in the fog
Back at the boat, we enjoyed hors d’oeuvres in the form of mild cheddar cheese on crackers and we grilled the steak, and topped the meal with garlic mashed potatoes.  We bought a salad blend so I got a salad with blue cheese dressing.  We quince our thirst with a glass of Cabernet Sauvignon.  Life is really good.  We read until dark and went to bed at our usual time.

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