Sunday, July 19, 2015

A day in Turtle Head Cove

Day 20: July 18, 2015

We had a great calm night and are thankful that we made the run from Searsport Harbor to this quiet anchorage. We had bacon and eggs for breakfast along with toast and jam. 

When we went to bed last night, we were chilled and convinced that the night was going to be a cold one and we added extra layers of sleep-ware in preparation.  But, it was not to be and we were surprised to awaken in a relatively warm boat – 60 degrees.

It rained off and on for a good part of last night and the day was dreary.  It also rained off and on all day so I have little to report.  We spent the entire day reading, eating, reading and eating.

Common loon in Turtle Head Cove
At one point, I ventured outside to accomplish some chore and swimming very near the boat was a loon.  We have seen them on several occasions.  We often hear their plaintive cry.  We have seen a bit of variety in wildlife, the most common of which are the mosquitos.  It is amazing how they appear in swarms at both dusk and dawn.  They are amazing in their ability to get into the cabin even though we go to extreme measures to seal all openings.  We are able to control them inside with flying insect spray.

We have seen a lot of ospreys, sea gulls, a few harbor seals and several dolphins.  I also reported the bald eagle sightings in Somes Harbor. 

What could be better:  A cup of coffee and a package of Spam
I must report that I have now run out of the materials to create my taco so I have
This is what we did today!
had to break into my emergency cache of Spam.  I had my first Spam wrap today for lunch and I will report that it was truly wonderful!  

Our dinner meal was faux noodles and meatballs in spaghetti sauce.  The glass of wine and Kipper Snacks added to the atmosphere.

With all of the moisture in the air, it felt cold in the boat all day so again last night we bundled up for bed.
Castine's Town Hall

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