Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Yorktown to Sandy Point in the Great Wicomico River

 Day 24 Tuesday, May 9, 2017

You can monitor my trip at the link: Little Star's Progress Live

The Yorktown Freedom Monument as we were leaving.
Today was a long day.  Basically, it was a travel day.  We arose early, prepared breakfast and got underway by around 7:45.  We were tied to the inside of the dock with the walkway directly in front of us.  The current was flowing fairly strong toward us so I assumed that all I had to do was release the bow mooring line and let the current turn the boat around.  For some reason, it didn’t work that way.  I tried to pull forward but was unable to complete the turn before running into the walkway.  I backed up alongside of the dock, tried again but again, I could not make the turn.  Finally, on the third try, I got up enough momentum to complete the turn and head out into the York River.

The weather forecast called for 10 to 15 knot winds from the north so the 5 plus
I don't know.  Saw two of these things.
mile ride out the river was relatively calm with a following wind.  The temperature had gotten down to 37 last night and the light breeze, although cold, was not uncomfortable.  However, when we got out into the big waters and turned north, the wind and waves became most uncomfortable.  We were traveling north and the wind was blowing from the north at about 10 knots giving us an apparent wind speed of 16 knots as we banged our way forward.  I was surprised by the size of the waves considering the light true winds that were blowing.  There were few white caps but intermixed with the chop were 5  foot big guys that threw spray into the air and back onto the deck the boat.  We continued the pounding for the next 7
Its hard to catch the biggest ones
hours until we turned into the protected waters of the Great Wicomico River. 
Our destination was the Sandy Point anchorage in which we stayed on our way south.  This beautiful wide open anchorage is well protected and just a nice place.  There was one other boat who was enjoying our cove.

We were tired.  We fixed ourselves an adult beverage, got out a block of cheese and relaxed until it was time to prepare our evening meal.  We had bought a nice beef shish kabob in Great Bridge so we set up the grill. We accompanied out main entrée with cheesy grits and a glass of wine.

Did I mention that we were tired.  We had a hard time staying awake until our usual bed time and finally gave in at around 8:30.

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