Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Alligator River Anchorage to the North River Anchorage

Day 18 Wednesday, May 3, 2017

You can monitor my trip at the link: Little Star's Progress Live

We enjoyed a quiet night in our little anchorage.  We awoke to calm waters and hopes that the waters of the infamous Albemarle Sound were the same.  We fried eggs and bacon to be enjoyed with our coffee and raised the anchor for an early departure at 6:30.

Alligator River Swing ridge
Back on the Alligator River, we were greeted with a fairly strong, cool northeast breeze which stirred the waters into a light chop.  We unfurled the jib and were able to maintain 7 knots for about 15 miles.  We rolled up the jib as we approached the Alligator River Bridge.  This huge swing bridge is one of the few that opens upon demand, so upon receiving my call, the tender swung it open for us quickly. 

The effect of strong winds on the jib while motor sailing - note the mast angle
Approximately 5 miles after the bridge,we began to encounter the swells, or as the NOAA weather guys call it, the moderate chop of the Albemarle Sound.  Our course was almost due north and the waves were coming at us from the northeast ranging from 3 to 5 feet with periodic big girls that added to the frolicking ride that we encountered for the next three plus hours.  The winds ranged in velocity from 15 to 23 knots.  This big boat rolls and bobs but unlike our Second Wind does not pound.  As the boat would dive into the biggest of waves, she would plow her bow down and throw salt spray into the air.  Janine accompanied me in the cockpit keeping an eye out for the ever present crab pot floats that hid between the waves. 

Of course, I needed my nourishment and the taco, my usual fare, has salsa
slathered on top making it messy to eat especially in a hopping boat so Janine solved the problem by making me a fabulous Spam rollup.  It was wonderful.  In the past she has refused to touch the delicacy but was willing to do so since we had brought along single serving packets that she can wiggle out without touching.  I will tell you, She Is Special!

Canadian snowbird motor sailing
About 5 miles after leaving the Sound, we came to the last anchorage for the next 10 miles and the next two anchorages are wide open to weather from a number of directions. So although it was only 2:00 in the afternoon, we pulled off the Waterway into this small protected spot.  It is quite well protected, but also close to the traffic pattern.  The good thing about that is that we have a roadside seat where we can watch the parade of “Snowbirds” heading north.  

We spent the afternoon being lazy reading and napping.  For dinner, we pulled out the propane grill and fixed some nice hamburgers that were accompanied by garlic mashed potatoes. The wind had shifted from the north but not without leaving behind some cooler air so sleeping tonight will be enhanced by our down comforter. 

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