Saturday, August 12, 2017

Heading out for the Thousand Island on Lake Ontario

Day 1, August 10, 2017

Today was a travel day.  We arose at around 4:00 in preparation for the trip that Mapquest suggest would take about 8 1/2 hours.  We got underway at about 7:00 and traveled about 10 miles, still in Perry County, when we blew a tire on the truck. The area where we stopped had a very narrow shoulder but we were able to get the truck and trailer off of the road.  The truck was leaning towards the side with the flat so using a little scissor jack that is standard equipment for the Dodge pickup truck would be tedious at best.  With emergency flashers warning the screaming semis and dump trucks, I walked back up the road and put out the emergency triangles for a bet of extra security. 

We have subscribed to a trailer tow package that is a rider on our Boat US tow package so I made the call.  The Boat US associate could only find “Goodies
Heading into the motel in Weedsport
Garage” in Zanesville who was willing to come to our assistance.  I suggested he call my friends at Newlon Tire in New Lexington and that call sent Jody out with all of the necessary equipment including another tire to solve our problem.  In about 20 minutes, Jody had us underway.  Jody could not mount the new tire without the proper equipment that is found in a tire shop so he sent us off with a suggestion that we pull into a tire shop along the way. 

We stopped in a Walmart parking lot with the plan to find such a tire shop and realized that Walmart could in fact do the mounting, which they did.

After a total of 4 hours, (11:00) we were again on our way towards New York.  We traveled about 9 hours before we decided to hang it up in the little town of Weedsport. NY.  We pulled into a Days Inn motel that turned out to be reasonably priced and quite nice.  The trip from Zanesville to Weedsport was actually quite easy and uneventful.

Welcome sleep came quickly.

1 comment:

  1. The Chinese say that a journey that begins poorly (blown tire) turns out well. I look forward to your adventure. I depart Monday in my TR4 to drive to Princeton NJ to attend the Vintage Triumph Register national meeting.
