Wednesday, August 16, 2017

A Day at the Antique Boat Museum

Day 6: August 15, 2017

You can monitor my trip at the link: Second Wind's Progress Live
Today was a great day.  We started with a nice breakfast of bacon, eggs (over easy) and toast. 

I put the motor on Damn Dink Too and Janine and I headed out across French Bay in route for the Antique Boat Museum.  We spent 7 hours wandering about this wonderful collection of all types of old boats.  As I prepare this blog, I find it difficult trying to filter out the highlights there were so many.  I offer the official web link that will provide a thorough overview of the museum. 

Janine and I took a tour of the opulent “… 106′ houseboat La Duchesse which brings the gracious River lifestyle of one hundred years ago to life. Built in
1903 for hotelier George Boldt, manager of New York City’s famed Waldorf-Astoria hotel, the houseboat has been in continuous use as an elegant summer residence ever since.”  Boldt built the barge so that he could live in style while he oversaw the construction of his famous Boldt Castle on a small island in the St. Lawrence River. Another highlight was a ride around the area islands in a replica of a 1920 Hackler
The houseboat La Duchesse
runabout.  We spent 45 minutes traveling in this classic beauty.

On the museum campus, there are 10 buildings, each housing a different collection including canoes, runabouts, cruisers, racers, a restoration shop, a fishing display and more.
Finally, around 4:00, we climbed back in the Dink and headed back to the Grants and Second Wind.  Rob and their great yellow lab “Bailey” met us as we approached dock.  We
enjoyed more socialization
and a glass of wine before Sharon presented an elegantly prepared dinner of salmon grilled on a cedar plank, wild rice and oven roasted vegetables.  
A much appreciated bed time arrived at 9:00. 

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