Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Cape Vincent to Clayton

You can monitor my trip at the link: Second Wind's Progress Live

Day 4; August 14, 2017

We started our day with our version of Sausage Gravy and biscuits (toast) and we both agreed we like what we make more than the expensive one that we had at Tin Pan Galley. 

After we cleaned up the boat a bit, we walked down to the US Port of Entry office where we met with a customs and boarder protection guy to find out if the SVRS, Small Vessel Reporting System, program that we registered for when we went out of country to the Bahamas was applicable to returning to the US from Canada.  It turns out the Canada to US program and the Small Vessel program are compatible and can be used to reenter the country.  The nice thing about that is that we only have to call an 800 number upon returning to the US as opposed to reporting to a customs site in person. 

Back at the boat, we pushed off from the DEC dock and headed down river towards the town of Clayton.  There was a light breeze following us so we put up the sails and enjoyed
A freighter that passed us as we headed out
a peaceful ride the entire 13 miles to our destination.

We did run a man over board drill when my hat flew over board. While Janine kept her eye of the sinking sailor (hat) I fired up the motor and began circling the poor sinking fellow.  I am sad to report that although we caught sight of the poor guy on two passes, we were unable to accomplish a rescue before he sank to a watery grave. I loved that had.  He shall be sorely missed.

And a large barge - strange
We finally dropped the sails as we passed Bartlett Point on our way into French Bay and a rendezvous with our friends, the Grants.  They helped us tie the boat to their dock and invited us into their lovely home to enjoy a glass of wine.  We talked and lied for quite a while before they offered to take us around the area on the 20-foot runabout. 

Second Wind at rest at the Grant's
We slowly motored around the Clayton Harbor and then out amongst the beautiful group of islands located in their area.  This area reminds us of what we enjoyed as we traveled through the 30,000 Islands of Georgian Bay.  We passed large islands with few homes to those that were ringed with summer cottages. We passed small islands that had a couple of trees that

were home to about 100 cormorants to ones just big enough to house one little cottage.  This was a most enjoyable introduction where we will be traveling for the next couple of weeks. 

The Wooden Boat Brewry
Back at the Grants, we enjoyed hors d’ouevres and another glass of wine before heading to a stone oven pizzeria, The Wooden Boat Brewery, where we enjoyed a nice BLT pizza. 

 At the Grant’s we said our “good nights” and ambled back to Second Wind and a night of rest.

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