Tuesday, March 19, 2013

And Another Tourist Day in Key West

Day 19: March 18, 2013
And another day in Key West.    We started our day at around 7:00 with showers and replenishing our water supply.  We had bacon, eggs, and strawberry blob muffin for breakfast.  We checked our food stocks and we were running a bit low on Spam, PBJs, and Coffee so I walked the ¾ mile trek to the Winn Dixie store.  I signed up for an additional nights stay, plugged in our shore power so as to fill our batteries to capacity. 
We have had a minor problem with our bilge pumping system.  This boat leaks.  It has ever since we have owned it.  I have on a number of occasions tried various techniques to eliminate the water coming in around the pin on which the swing keel hangs.  At that end, and after reading a report about boaters who buy these extremely expensive boats and install chintzy little bilge pumps, I installed a very good positive displacement diaphragm pump that moves water, although not fast but effectively.  I also installed a very large volume centrifigul pump that will kick in if the water level in the boat out runs the diaphragm pump.  Well, the diaphragm pump has quit moving water for some reason.  It is deeply buried deep in the bowels of the boat and the parts would be very difficult to come up with down here.  So we now must periodically turn on the high volume pump manually to control the leaking water.  My thoughts are: what if we had only one pump.  We would really be in a pickle.  We also carry a hand operated diaphragm pump but it is a real pain to operate and it doesn’t get all of the water out.
Fort Zachary Taylor
We added a 25 lb block of ice to our coolers yesterday and realize that we still have 4 bratwursts left and we need to get them consumed so we fried them in beer for lunch and along with Doritos chips, they made a fine midday meal.   

10 Inch Cannon At Fort Taylor

After a nice little after lunch nap, we again hailed a cab and traveled to the Fort Zachary Taylor Historic State Park.  The old fort was built starting in 1842 and was used by the Union Navy in their blockade of the south during the Civil War.  Although there is little left other than the structure and a few canon barrels, it is still an impressive place.
Beach at Fort Zachary Taylor State Park
From there we went to the beach of the state park and spent the remainder of the afternoon reading in this peaceful environ.  There were numerous folks on the beach sun bathing but there was none of the wild activity that I had heard occurred on the beaches during spring break.   
Nuf Said
We again caught a cab and were taken to the heart of the revelry that takes place in Key West during spring break.  Our destination was the Hogs Breath Saloon that we were told was one of those must see places in Key West.  We got there around 5:00 for dinner and there was little wild activity taking place at that point.  I had another fish taco plate that had three tacos and chips.  Janine had coconut incrusted shrimp with fries.  I also had to sample a bottle of Hogs Breath beer.  It was OK!  The amazing thing occurred as we were leaving.  Just as we were passing through the door, I looked over at the stage where a guy was setting up for the evening entertainment.  He had already placed the sign with his name on it and, to my surprise, the name was Cliff Cody.  Cliff is from Junction City, Ohio and is married to the daughter of a good friend of mine.  We have heard him play on several occasions and he is really very good.  In fact, he has spent a portion of his career in Nashville where he has done some recordings.  I went up behind him and made a comment about Junction City and we were both amazed that this world is so small.  He had just arrived and was getting ready for a week long gig.
Cruise ship as seen from atop Fort Taylor
From the Saloon, we went back to Mallory Park to watch one of the large cruise ships leave the dock, turn around and head back out into the Gulf.  There were three liners docked when we had arrived earlier in the day and this one was the last one to leave.  We were told that the cruise ships were required to be away from the dock well before daily sun down activities begin.  That is all except the Disney liner that pays a handsome fee to be able to stay!  The folks who told us these tales say that when Disney comes to town, the Key West tourists are not happy.
A cab ride back to the boat in the early evening was welcomed by both of us and bed came at around 9:00 as usual.

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