Friday, March 15, 2013

And Still in Boot Key Harbor

Day 15: March 14, 2013
The wind really blew last night.  We slept well, but the wind howled through the rigging all night long.  The Boot Key Harbor is very well protected from the waves and the wave height was minimal, however, the boat swings back in forth in the wind. 
Boot Key Harbor City Marina
Breakfast was again bacon, eggs, and blob blueberry muffins.  We straightened up the boat and settled down to read.  Janine is finishing up her second novel for the trip and I just finished my first.  We read throughout the day until about 3:00 when we decided to head for the marina.  Earlier in the day, the wind was such that I was concerned that our little electric motor on Damn Dink wasn’t powerful enough to counteract it but by 3:00 it had calmed down to around 15 mph and we made it without much trouble.  We first stopped in the laundry where we threw our sheets and towels in to be washed and then on to the showers.  This is a big marina and they must have 10 to 15 individual shower rooms.  After the showers and while Janine oversaw the laundry process, I climbed on the borrowed bike and rode to the grocery to get some small items and to replenish our Yuengling Black and Tan.
Back at the marina, I went to the registration desk and signed up for another night’s stay.  While there, I talked with a couple who had just made the 40 mile trip from Key West to Boot Key Harbor in a 42 foot Hunter sailboat.  They said that even in that large a boat, it was a horrific ride.  They were encountering 6 foot plus waves and 30 mph winds.  Their boat was frequently taking big waves over the bow.  We are glad to be sitting out this one in the calm harbor. 
Damn Dink with sophisticated friends at the dinghy dock
The laundry finished and ice purchased, we headed back to the boat.  While at the registration desk, I had talked to another fellow about places to eat and he recommended a number of them.  I told him we were only going to be here another day and he said that we needed to reconsider so that we could try them all.  He also commented that boaters are cheap and sailors or extra cheap so the two that he said that were the closest were Hurricane Grill and Keys Fisheries, Market and Marina.  The big thing to him and the lady at the counter was that happy hour ended at 6:00 and 25 cent wings begins at 6:00 at Hurricane. 
We decided that we would head for Hurricane so a mile trek was in store.  It was a raucous pIace with numerous groups sitting around large tables enjoying the setting.  I had 6 barbeque wings, ribs with onion rings and Janine had a French dip sandwich.  I also had an apple cider beer which was different. 
Another sunset at Boot Heel Key Harbor
After the walk back we had one more breezy ride back to Panache.  We read again for a while then had a great conversation with our sun Scott and his family.  It was grandson Wyatt’s birthday and he was proud to show us his new Thomas the Train engine, Percy on our cell phone “Face Time” feature.  That is a really neat feature that makes these expensive phones almost worth their salt. 
And then to bed.

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