Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Another Day in Fort Myers/Naples

Day 4: March 3, 2013 
It was great spending another night in a flat comfortable bed in a warm room in Naples.  It may be tough crawling into and then out of a triangular bed in the cold tomorrow morning. 
We had another pleasant day with the Yeasted family.  After another fine breakfast, Janine watched Joseph and I worked on yesterday’s blog while the rest of the clan went to Mass.  Upon their return preparations were made for a joint birthday party for our grandson Wyatt and the Yeastead granddaughter Kiera Riley.  That turned out to be quite the hilarious event.  After one more abundant family meal, we said our “thank yous” and “goodbyes” and made promises to be safe.
We traveled a short distance to where we visited Diane and Dick Stonecipher in their lovely home.  We spent about an hour going over things in our hometown of Bonne Terre, MO.  Diane and I grew up in the same neighborhood and our parents were good friends.  We had a lot of laughs over some of the crazy things that we did.
From Naples, we traveled to Bonita Springs where we joined up with my cousin, Sue Speichinger and her daughter, Liz, and grandson Max.  We spent a couple of hours with these folks being entertained by 10 month old Max.   Sue took us to Randy’s Fish Shack where I had a wonderful meal of mahi mahi with potato salad and a mug of local beer.  Janine had a combination of penni pasta with scallops and shrimp.  We are going to have to stop eating like this!
From Bonita Springs, we traveled back to Fort Myers and the boat.  We lit a fire in our little alcohol heater, tidied up the boat, and crawled into bed.  It was purported to get down to 42 degrees during the night so we were slept in our Gruendens Fische Skins, a great set of insulated long underwear and were actually very comfortable all night until the burner ran out of fuel at around 4:00.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Steve and Janine

    I am enjoying another boating adventure (and mis-adventures) with you two. Thanks for taking the time to write to all of us.

    Cuz Barb
