Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Second Day on the Road

Day 2: March 6, 2018

Follow our progress using this link: Steve's Spot
Not much to report today.  I got up early after a fitful night’s sleep.  It seems that I have this problem the first night every time I travel. I finally got up a bit after 5:00 and typed yesterday’s blog.  Janine came around about 5:30 and we were at the continental breakfast at a bit after 6:00.  I wasn’t especially in a hurry because we didn’t have that far to go today.  We decided to make this a 3-day trip as opposed to doing a marathon 12-hour plus first day.  We were on the road by a bit after 7:00.

Our destination was somewhere south of Savanna and we chose Super 8 motel near the town of Brunswick, Georgia.  This chain is obviously not known for its 5-star ratings but the price was right, the bed was clean, and they’, had ample parking for our truck and trailer.  Traffic was both light and heavy and except for a few miles of construction, the highway is good.  We are making between 7. 5 and 8.5 mpg in the truck.  If I back off to about 65 mph average, our gas mileage goes up about 1 mpg. At times we had heavy rain, but traffic continued to move, and we made good time.  We arrived in Brunswick at about 5. 

After checking in, we unhooked the trailer and drove around the town looking for a good non-fast-foodie and settled on Sonny’s BBQ for our evening meal.  I had a small rack of ribs and a side of their great baked beans and Janine had pulled chicken and a sweet potato.  

Back at the motel, we reattached the trailer, watched a bit of TV and were asleep before 9:00.

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