Sunday, March 11, 2018

And One More Day in Fort Myers

Day 6: March 10, 2018
Follow our progress using this link: Steve's Spot 
The beautiful arts center in the historic district
We spent another day in Fort Myers. Since we had eaten a series of fairly large meals yesterday, we opted for a low cal cereal breakfast to start our day.  Don’t want to do that too often. 
My cousin, Sue came to spend a good part of the day with us.  The weather forecast called for rain starting after lunch, so as soon as she arrived we cast off our mooring lines and headed out into the river for a spirited sail.  We probably spent three hours on the water before a threatening sky convinced us that it would be prudent to head back to the dock. 

Back at the marina, the air had died down and we had no cheering crowd to watch my again near perfect landing.  It never fails. 
I presented the available lunch menu to Sue and she very quickly offered to buy our lunch if she would be allowed to pass on our delicacies.  We accepted.
We wandered into the River Front District of Fort Myers where the dining choices are many and quite varied. We settled on the United Ale House where I had a pastrami Rueben sandwich and Janine had a crab cake.  After lunch, we headed
The Knife Sharpener
back to the boat where Sue did accept a piece of Blob carrot cake.  While we were eating, the rains began so Sue opted to head back to Bonita Springs.
The town of Fort Myers has a number of interesting buildings and sculptures in their historic district, so Janine and I decided to brave the light rain and head back into town for some more sightseeing.  The Columbian artist, Edgardo Carmona created and exhibits 23 iron giant sculptures which stand up to 10 feet tall through out the river front district. They are really fascinating.
Ice cream vender

As we walked about, we ran across an interesting little ice cream shop called Scoops on First where Janine and I enjoyed a cup of creamy praline.  I encouraged that selection so as to offset the low cal breakfast.
The rain continued into the night so most of the rest of the afternoon was spent with little chores like topping off the water tank and cleaning the interior of the boat.  We returned the truck to the storage facility and took advantage of the marina wonderful showers one last time before our departure tomorrow.

The truck return turned out to be an
interesting adventure.  The storage lot is about 3 miles from the marina.  We drove to the lot, hooked up the trailer then called Uber for a ride back.  In 5 minutes time, we were greeted by Vladimir, a rough looking Russian driver who signed and indicated that he knew little English.  As we were driving back, he took out his cell phone and with a gravelly voice grumbled something into it.  He then pressed a button and the phone responded with something like, “You are an attractive young couple and thanks for riding with me.”  We tried to communicate more,ui and he responded through his electronic interpreter that English is hard and his brain is scrambled.  When I gave him a $2.00 tip for the $8.00 ride, he did understand that the proper response in English is “Thank you.”

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