Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Another Day on Stockton Island

Day 6, August 5

I begin this posting saying that my computer is dying.  The battery will not hold a charge and the charger can only supply enough power for about 15 minutes of typing so I may have to stop sending out postings. 
However, we again spent the day on Stockton Island sitting out winds of around 20 mph and 4 to 5 foot seas.  Our boat is up to that but it is not as much fun and a lot of work so we opted to enjoy this beautiful place for another day.  Again today we hiked to Julian Bay and read and basically took it really easy.  The folks that we have met here are super.  One couple pulled in with a beautiful 44 foot power cruiser and immediately joined the camaraderie of the group.  There are boats of all sizes, many of which have folks who have come to the island to camp.   We have enjoyed visiting with the various people most of whom are from the local area. 
In the evenings, the rangers offer various programs and this evening’s program was dealing with the bear population.  I wondered how a ranger could spend an hour talking about the bears of Stockton Island, but this guy is a great teacher and indeed filled the time with a history lesson on these particular bears and then quite a bit of time dealing with camper/hiker safety in bear country. 
I have added, for our friends Dick and Judy Doyle,  a picture of a mushroom perched on top of a mound of moss.  We were also awed by variety of lichens that we saw through our walks.

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