Saturday, February 14, 2015

Getting Ready For Another Adventure

Greetings,                                                                          February 14, 2015

Sitting at my desk in Perry County Ohio, I am looking out the window at wind driven snow, a temperature of about 20 degrees and warnings that there will be a wind chill factor of around 30 degrees below zero to-night and tomorrow.  I Don’t Like This!

Our boat, Second Wind, spent the early part of the winter shrink wrapped in white
Second Wind in hibernation
plastic keeping the foul weather out.  I did this on my own for the first time this year and was quite pleased with the results.  Absolutely no snow or rain got onto the upper parts of the boat and with the frame that I built to support the cover, I was able to work inside out of the weather virtually all winter long.  It was cold but doable.  

But now the cover is off, the frame put away and the packing process has begun for another trip to warmer climes.  We are planning on heading towards the east coast of Florida again this year with an ultimate goal of the Bahamas.  Now, I say that with reservation.  We need a favorable weather window in order to make the trip across the Gulf Stream and in the early spring, the prevailing winds are not optimal.  So, if we fail to get the window that we need, we will head south
Inside the cocoon
and enjoy the great sailing and weather in the lower Florida Keys.  The way we travel, just being able to sail, meet new friends and see interesting new places equate to successful trips.  World traveling sailors, Lynn and Larry Pardey, who have been romping around the world for the past 40 plus years, have a rule regarding destinations.  They don’t broadcast ultimate destinations to friends and acquaintances in case they don’t arrive as planned.  They take what comes to them and call it success.  I think that is a great philosophy to sail by. 

Saying that, we do submit plans to the proper folks as a safety precaution when we head out on a specific trip but if for some reason we can’t make a trip, it’s OK!

I plan to submit blogs again.  I do these musings
About Ready To Go!
as personal records to re enjoy on days like today when the snow turns to blizzard (as has just happened here, now!)

Also, you are receiving this email because, at some weak moment in the past, you made me feel good stating that you would enjoy hearing of our travels.  I understand that these things may get old and remind you that they are but a single strike of the “delete” key away from oblivion.  Also, my feelings wouldn’t be hurt if you want to receive less junk mail.  Let me know and I can remove your name from the list.

Finally, from time to time, some of you have responded to our comments and we do enjoy hearing from you.  We encourage it.  

Did I imply that the weather is ugly outside?

And the Dream (as remembered from No Name Harbor, Key Biscayne, FL)

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