Sunday, March 30, 2014

Finally! We Are On Our Way

Day 1:  March 26, 2014
Uncharacteristically for me, I am planning to be brief in my first posting.  I don’t have pictures to share so this will be more nearly boring as well. 
We left Somerset this morning at 4:15.  As usual, I did not sleep well.  We decided to forego breakfast at home in an attempt to get moving and we feel we need a break every couple of hours or so when we are on the road so breakfast at a restaurant was planned.   The temperature as we drove away registered 17 degrees and I needed to sweep the snow and scrape the ice from the windshield before we could get rolling.
Since we left so early, we did not find an eating establishment until we got to Ripley WV which was about 3 hours down the pike.  The best we could do was a McDonalds.  Not our first choice but I was hungry.  The trailer and truck did well on this first leg and driving conditions were fine. 
We headed onto and down the West Virginia Turnpike.  The road was clear but there was an inch or two of snow along the country side.  As we approached the higher elevations near Beckley WV, the amount of snow along the road side was more like 6 to 8 inches and we began to encounter brief snow squalls.  The further south we traveled, the more intense the storms became.  The temperature was in the 13 degree range.  Still, the roads remained very drivable with no issues of slick roads.  We finally drove out of the snow when we dropped out of WV into Virginia. 
Our truck was getting 9 mpg so we made frequent stops for fuel the entire way to Savannah.  The drive was truly eventful all be that it took us 3 hours longer to get to our destination than MapQuest said it would. We pulled into our motel  along I-95 at around 5:00.  We dropped the boat/trailer off and headed into the old section of Savannah for a wonderful meal at a waterfront café called the Cotton Exchange.  It was a bit loud but the décor, food and service were great .  I had combination seafood scampi dinner and Janine had fried oysters. 
It was a chilly breezy 50 degrees when we got back to our motel room.  After hooking the boat back up to the truck, we crashed at about 9:30.  .
Hopefully some pictures tomorrow.

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