Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Dublin to London

June 7, 2013
Today was basically a travel day.  We had a great night’s sleep at the B&B and were served another super Irish Breakfast of bacon (ham), eggs, potatoes, mushrooms, fruit, juice and rolls.  The rolls are super and our hostess always brings two wonderful French rolls.  I was full but felt I needed to eat the last one and on the last bite of that last one, I broke the side out of a molar.  Luckily there is no pain involved so it will not interfere with our trip.
We headed for the airport at 9:00 for our 12:00 flight.  We have a bit of concern about the time required to secure a boarding pass hence the extra early leave time.  As it turned out, the bus trip took a bit longer than we planned but every other part of the process was really fast and easy.  We ended up with more than an hour to spare before loading.
Once on the plane, we settled in for a 1 hour flight but were awarded a 45 minute delay because of traffic heading into Heathrow Airport.  It is reported to be the busiest in the world so I can understand occasional delays.
On the ground, we walked right to the baggage area, right through customs without seeing a person, and onto the platform for the Underground that was to take us to our hotel.  The train came within 3 minutes and whisked us toward downtown London.  The trip took about an hour.  We had one train change in about the middle of the trip and that entailed getting off of one train, walking about 10 feet to the other side of the platform, and onto the next one that came through.
Our tour guide had outlined all of this for us and it was seamless.   In London,
The Club Quarters Hotel
again we followed his fabulous directions and arrived at our hotel, Club Quarters – Trafalgar, about 10 minutes after leaving our last train stop.  It was easy!
The Club Quarters is a fabulous hotel.  It is a 4 star hotel which is ideally located just ½ block from Trafalgar Square.  The rooms are well appointed with armoire, dark wood furniture and a marble and tile bath.  The shower is a large tile structure that pours a ton of water on you. 
Since it was late in the afternoon when we arrived, we rested until around 7:30 when we joined our MG group for a meet and greet
Pat and Bernadette Sweeney, our hosts at Azalea Lodge
dinner in Boyd’s Bar Brasserie off the hotel lobby.  About a month ago, our leader sent us a sheet with the menu for each of the places we would be dining and asked that we make selections in the various courses that were offered.  He then printed cards for each course that we placed on the table in front of us.  He had also preordered these items, so again, the meal went forth seamlessly.

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