Monday, July 23, 2012

Lake Superior, Here We Come!

So, my shoulder is healed and my last therapy is scheduled for tomorrow.  The ortho doc says that I should have no problem with the repair but that my strength is significantly less in that arm as compared to what it was prior to my accident.  Therefore, We Are Going to Lake Superior.  We are in our final week of preparation and plan to be on the road early next Monday.  Our current plan is to drive to Duluth MN and then sail east toward Sualt Ste. Marie.  Beyond that, we have no definite itinerary.  We hope to be on the water for about a month and basically travel the south shore of the lake.  I am toying with the thought of traveling out to Isle Royale, however, that is a bit out of the way and a fairly long open water passage.  The conditions must be just right to make that trip possible. 

My initial goal for the trip is to travel to Madison WI area on July 30 and then on to Duluth the next day.  We will leave the truck and trailer in Duluth for the duration of the trip.  We have done a bit of research and have located car rental establishments at several locations from which we can rent a car to return to retrieve our truck.

This is our first trip to this Great Lake that we have heard is a most beautiful destination.  If you know of any special places that we should be sure to visit, we would appreciate hearing from you.

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