Saturday, February 24, 2018

We are on our way again

Greetings Friends,

The weather is rainy and ugly here in Ohio, so Janine and I are heading out for a warmer climate.  We will be hauling our Seaward RK26, Second Wind, to Ft. Myers to begin a trip that we anticipate will last somewhere around 4 weeks.  We have several options that we will be depending on the weather.  I have always dreamed of visiting the Dry Tortugas and hopefully we can get there this year. 

Again, this year, I plan to keep a journal that I will publish in the form of a blog.  I use it to refresh my memory about specific events and locations on our trips as well as a way to relive the fun on cold winter evenings in Ohio.   Also, I will be carrying my “Spot” which records our location every ½ hour.  You can check out the site at Steve's SpotIf the trip goes as planned, there will be times when we will be out of cell tower range and unable to post the blogs but the “Spot” communicates with a satellite so you will be able to find us on a map.

I have been doing this blog thing for a number of years now and I assume that the novelty of two folks riding around on a small sailboat has worn off.  And, If you are on our list, you receive an email from us almost every day while we are traveling.  So, if you have had enough, let me know and I will remove your email address for our list. Believe me, I understand.

I might add, we love to hear from you as we travel. It truly adds to the flavor of our trip. We will try to respond when possible.


Steve and Janine
740 605-2650