Friday, June 26, 2015

Here we go again

And, here we go again.  Janine and I are planning on traveling to Maine to sail along the coast.  We have no particular destinations in mind besides Acadia National Park and various unnamed and un-located restaurants that serve fresh Maine lobsters.
Surprisingly, a number of folks have inquired about a blog for this trip and so I will be doing that again.  If you are locked into my notification list because at some weak moment you asked me to add your name to the list and you have really had enough, you have several options.   You can designate it as “Spam” and it will be sent to your spam folder; you can hit the delete button, or you can let me know that you want off of the list and I will remove you.  

We do enjoy your comments and replies so feel free.  It is best to reply to our email address as   On the other hand, the blog “Post a comment” section makes your remarks available to those viewing the blog and have, in the past sparked some interesting discussions.  Either way, let us hear from you.
A wet Second Wind waiting to leave for Maine
opposed to using the comment section of the blog.

One more thing.  I just noticed that there is a link at the very bottom of the blog page called “Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom)  This appears to be an automatic notification link that alerts you when anything is added to the blog site.  I have not tried it so I don’t know if and how it works.  If you try it, let me know the results.


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