Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The Future Looks Bright!

This cool morning in June finds me excited!  I have been diligently following the therapy protocol and my healing and recovery has been progressing very well.  I feel that my shoulder is now completely healed and my strength is coming back satisfactorily.  I have achieved the same range of motion in my shoulder that I had prior to my surgery and all that remains is the building back of my strength.

We have yet to sail at all but have been plotting our next adventure that we are planning for the month of August.  We are tentatively planning on hauling the boat to Duluth MN and heading east along the southern shore of Lake Superior.  We have blocked out about a month on our calendars for the trip. We are thinking about traveling about as far east as we can in a month.  It appears that we could traverse the entire length of the lake in that period of time depending on how much time we spend dallying around at the various points of interest along the way.  We plan to rent a car and travel back to Duluth to pick up our truck and trailer at the end of the trip.

Our friend, Dwight Saunders and at least part of his family plan to meet up with us during part of the trip possibly around the Keweenaw Peninsula or the Apostle Islands.  We understand that these are a couple of truly outstanding cruising destinations and look forward to sharing the enjoyment with them.

Panache is still sitting in the back of the house tightly wrapped in a tarp.  She is still about 60% packed and ready to head out. It is my plan to pull her out of her "moth ball" state around the middle of July. 

More to come!