Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Planning for Trip 2011

As I sit in my study looking out into the cold wet landscape in Perry County Ohio, I am dreaming and planning for our sailing adventure that we are doing this summer.  We plan to travel to the North end of the Chesapeake Bay and sail for approximately 3 weeks in that historic area.

We will be traveling on our Balboa 26 "Panache" which we acquired in 2003.  We have spent considerable time and energy modifying her to make her more comfortable during our  travels.  We carry a significant amount of electronic gadgetry to help us communicate with other boats and shore stations as well as GPS to help us know where we are and where we are heading.  We also have an autopilot system that is slaved to the GPS that allows up to turn some of our steering over to the gadgetry. 

Panache on the Tennessee River
Although built in 1972, "Panache" is sound and reliable.  We have on two different occasions taken 1,200 mile trips and she has always gotten us to our destination safely.  We carry a 9.9 horsepower Yamaha outboard that pushes us into narrow docks and moves us when we need to go and have no wind to do so.  (In my early years of sailing, we had a 20 ft. Highlander daysailer.  During that era, I refused to use a motor and scoffed at those who did, however, old age and mellowing has changed my outlook on many things, including motors on sailboats.
At anchor in Georgian Bay Ontario